6x9 Rugs

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The tips for choosing a rug

A good visualization of the room is the key to choosing the best furniture. A 6x9 rug is not an exception. With increased carpets' and rugs supply, a lot of place for consideration was left. Instead of choosing a proper size rug nowadays, we get into options of patterns, colors, and practical features. It makes the satisfaction of a final rug option much more significant; however, the process of choosing is also prolonged. To help you deal with it, we recommend searching for the answers to the questions below.

6x9 living room rug

What size and shape of the rug are you looking for?

To begin with, preliminary size guidance could always be given by measuring the size of the room you plan to decorate with a new rug. The most common rug choices for living areas are 4x6' and 6x9'. Why is it so? Firstly, such a size of rug works practically with any furniture. A 4x6 rug or 6x9 rug can be placed in the center of the living room, under the main table, coffee table, and other furniture. They can work as decoration alone or be combined with other sizes of rugs in matching patterns. Compared with 8 x 11' area rugs covering most of the room, 4x6 rugs are more versatile. They give the option for changing the rug placed in the room; the position could be placed under furniture or alone. The size dramatically restricts the options in the case of 8 x 11' area rugs. 

What color does your perfect rug have to be?

There are several ways to pick the right rug colors for the already-designed room interior. The easiest way is to check out the trends in color pallets which could help you decide on matching different shades. Another option is to pick the rug's colors according to your furniture patterns. It is not the easiest way to match the rugs since different shades might require searching time. However, the created design is hard to overcome if the match is successful. The shared colors become like a melody, touching different furniture all over the place. Your room becomes similar to the masterpiece of the designer rather than an art of decoration lover.

What pattern do you prefer for the 6x9 rug?

Choosing the best pattern for your rug is also an art you must deal with. There is a fragile boundary between matching but boring patterns and those that please every decor lover's eye. The strategy for choosing a pattern for your 4x6 rug might be similar to choosing colors. Either you try to follow some trends the journals speak about or follow the patterns your furniture dictates you already. For example, a sofa with flowers could become a good point of resistance for the carpet's pattern idea. The blue stripes on a cupboard could also encourage you to consider the 4x6 rug with a stripe pattern.

There are several pieces of advice you could follow up on when searching for a rug. 6x9 area rugs, 6x9 outdoor rugs, and 6x9 rugs for bedrooms have certain peculiarities that must be paid attention to when looking for quality. To discover them, check out the article below.